This is nihilism

Nihilism is the belief that nothing matters.

A result of nihilism is pure power plays. If you need examples:

  1. Criticizing your predecessor of playing too much golf, and then going on to play golf all the time.

  2. Lying repeatedly and not caring.

  3. Getting your followers to also not care about your lying.

  4. Having your inner circle convicted of numerous crimes, and then pardoning many of them.

  5. Creating an atmosphere of fear and intimidation in your own political party, and using that atmosphere to control legislators.

  6. Doing the above while claiming the opposition should be locked up.

  7. Venerating law and order while committing many crimes and breaking laws yourself.

  8. Having sworn to uphold the Constitution while profiting from it.

  9. Having been impeached but convincing your followers that it doesn’t matter.

  10. Not taking steps to control a pandemic because it will make you look bad, or weak, or wrong, and hundreds of thousands of Americans died and you don’t really care, and hospitals are now failing because of the overflow of COVID patients that many of your followers don’t believe in because you have constantly downplayed it.

  11. Inciting a mob takeover of a nation’s Capitol building that puts lives at risk and delegitimizes legislators and government, when your primary job is to protect the nation and people, and to uphold the Constitution.

  12. Failing to address the nation or the situation after the insurrection that controlled the hallowed halls of Congress.

  13. On the day following a ransacking and control of the Capitol building, when legislators and staff feared for their lives and hid under their desks with gas masks on, you give out the Presidential Medal of Freedom to 2 golfers that you like, because golf is great, and golf is just as important as anything else. Unless your predecessor does it, then it’s terrible.

This is nihilism.