Things I’m Enjoying Right Now

  1. Stephen King’s The Dark Tower series. I’m currently on book 5, The Wolves of Calla. Great evocative characters against a rich tapestry and epic story.

  2. The new Perry Mason HBO series. Atmospheric and compelling, although I found the last few episodes in the courtroom disappointing. I know that’s the essence of the character, but having him as a gumshoe detective was way more fun than having him arguing legal terms.

  3. The Drafts app on iOS and the Mac. Quick and easy text and formatting, text storage, even note-taking and journaling. It’s amazing, and you’ll never think of text the same way again.

  4. Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion board game. Gloomhaven balances immediate and long-term gratifications so amazingly well. You make immediate choices that impact your character and the overall game. It’s an amazing game.